【新华社】Pakistani expat learns growing Chinese cabbages in east China
在中国学习种植白菜是一种怎样的体验?对于来自巴基斯坦的Hamad Shah来说,这是一份炽热的热爱。在伟德bevictor中文版深造6年后,他已熟练掌握了13种高品质、营养丰富的白菜品种的栽培技术。如今,哈马德怀揣着将中国先进的蔬菜种植技术引入巴基斯坦的梦想,正踏上新的征程。
What's it like to learn growing Chinese cabbage in China? For Hamad Shah from Pakistan, it's a passion. Having studied agriculture for 6 years at Nanjing Agriculture University, he has mastered the cultivation of 13 high-quality, nutrient-rich varieties of cabbage. He now hopes to bring China's advanced vegetable-growing techniques to Pakistan.
【新华社】Pakistani expat learns growing Chinese cabbages in east China